Vibroacoustic Therapy is an Incredibly Powerful Modality
Learn more about how Vibroacoustic Therapy can be used to promote health and wellness and help individuals struggling with a variety of physical and mental ailments.
Spring Group:
March 19 at 4:30pm PST. Introductory meeting
Weekly meetings for this group will be WEDNESDAYS: March 26th, April *9,16,23,30 *module 2 has a 2 weeks to allow extra time for reading research.
Summer Groups:
Group A Introductory meeting July 7 at 10:30am PST
Weekly meetings for this group will be
MONDAYS: July 7,14,28, August 4,11,18
Group B Introductory meeting July 8 at 5:30pm PST
Weekly meetings for this group will be
TUESDAYS: July 8,15,29, August 5,12,19
Become a Vibroacoustic Therapy Practitioner
Enter your name and email address to join our mailing list and receive information on our individual and group training programs.